DAoC Guides: Overview

On this website you'll find new player guides for Dark Age of Camelot. These guides assume you have played a MMO before, but no familiarity with DAoC at all. Each guide also includes links to additional useful resources that are still up-to-date with the current game. The Gates of Tir Na Nog at night. For such an old game DAoC is still often quite pretty. Why this website? When I recently started playing Dark Age of Camelot again, I found the game much improved from what I remembered from my last time there over a decade ago. Compared to when I previously played (first at launch in 2001, and a few more times in subsequent years) the game is far easier to get into. You can start a fresh character and hit level 50 in a matter of hours, less than 20 even if you take your time with side-quests. When you hit the level cap you'll also get a solid set of end-game starter gear for free. I also found the game to be obscure, in some cases ...