The level 50 Champion Quest Line Part Two: Unravelling and Culmination

This is a guide to the later steps in the level 50 Champion Quest series in Dark Age of Camelot. You can find a guide to the first part of this quest chain in my previous post , and a general overview of Champion Levels here . This guide is mainly intended to get you through parts of this quest series that are confusing or out of date in the modern game. This isn't a standalone guide, you will still need to read the quests as you go to progress. I haven't been able to find anything at all on the web that gives hints for some of the very last steps in this chain. This guide should be enough to get you through all of the parts that can be soloed without using a buffbot. Unraveling: Infernal Investigation Like some of the last quests in this series, many of the instructions given by the quest text are either confusing or badly out of date with the modern game. For example, one part for hibernian players instructs them to go the the "frontier side" of Cr...