Orion's Belt: A lowbie's first artifact

[Updated for Endless Conquest, November 2019] This guide walks you through how to get a quick level boost at 30 and how to obtain your first artifact, Orion's belt, at level 35. Once fully leveled, this powerful item will give you 5% bonus to all experience points and realm experience earned. It will have better stats than any of the belts you are offered during the new player quest series, and for a few classes it's even better than the exemplar's belts offered as part of the free epic gear at level 50. Finally, on Gaheris it's especially useful as you can put it on when you turn in seals for the realm XP bonus and use something with better stats the rest of the time (you can both consume your cake and possess it!). The main reason for this guide is that it introduces new players to a lot of things you need to know about. Channelers, how to get to Atlantis, how to start your first quests in Atlantis, and how to buy artifacts. The latter pro...